Category Music

REVIEW: Willi Carlisle — Critterland

Album cover for Critterland by Willi Carlisle. A painting of an oppossum with a baby in its pouch, with various other characters worshipping around it.

Rainbow Rodeo can pay contributors like KC thanks to readers like you! Sign up to our Patreon today to build queer country power! The most recent LP by Willi Carlisle, Critterland, is an engrossing musical voyage into a world both…

REVIEW: ISMAY — Desert Pavement

Avery Hellman uses their music project ISMAY to immerse the listener in a world of their childhood. We dive into a new album of alternative country and folk songs.  I admit that I’ve never stayed in parts of rural California;…

REVIEW: Lizzie No — Halfsies

There is something timely about Halfsies, the new album by Lizzie No. Just as winter snow is finally landing, Halfsies depicts the winter moments of one’s life: bitter endings with no sign of any relief on the horizon. Bitter, but…