Aaron Lee Tasjan -- Stellar Evolution

This review of the new Aaron Lee Tasjan album was written by Autumn/Otto Sky Hall, who’s releasing a record of their own on May 1st. This review was made possible by our Patreon subscription. Subscribe today to support independent music and journalism.
The Rainbow Rodeo fundraiser is still ongoing — please share the link with your favorite queer country fans!
Aaron Lee Tasjan’s album “Stellar Evolution” (Blue Elan Records) to be is full of jangly, sparkly, carefully produced melodies tossed together with smart, effective lyrics. Some of the best sort of folks in modern music can evoke many a figurehead from the past (Flying Burrito Brothers, Electric Light Orchestra, Frank Zappa,) but take enough of their own musical personality to make it a personal affair and a welcome update that puts new laces on old shoes.

Tasjan took a personal risk to release the songs as a full fledged multi song album in 2024 when public’s attentions can be short with so much to choose from, but with a beginning so strong, it’s easy to see why it was the choice here. “Alien Space Queen” is a great tone setter, and the jammy, rambunctious, punchy fun of “The Drugs Did Me” before it fades into a particularly emotive, deeply catchy “Dylan Shades”
As a songwriter, singer and performer myself, I’d be remiss without making a note on the character Tasjan embodies in his singing and narratives. I used to run a queer open mic. Like at the open mic, every blue moon someone would play a song that would just knock the wind outta you in a gorgeous, new way. You’d be elated that maybe this marked a new part of your life where you and that artist both could still be invested in the myriad of ways the universe and canvas or art reveals itself. Just when you think you’re getting bored and able to predict everything — a big bang. Listening to Tasjan reminds me of where I was when I heard Kacey Musgraves “Follow Your Arrow,” or when I heard Orville Peck’s “Dead Of Night.”
I am excited for what community care, pride and support can give us all. I also really love how he utilizes the bridge between pop and western, and gives us some absolute jewels that came from the pairings that are ethereal and evocative.
I definitely can’t forget couple other stand outs from the track list: “I Love America More Than You” and “Horror Of It All.” The campiness and creativity to push the envelope in a few interesting directions, along with passionately sung themes about the queer joy and love in the darkness and confusion that is the USA, really work great here.
The last song, “Young” is a thoughtfully, delicately poured over torch song sure to leave its final melody of notes in your mind like the echoes of reverb that touch over key parts of the composition as the narrative builds.
An impressive offering, Tasjan’s Stellar Evolution is a strong, sweetly personal addition to the world of queer art folks will be grateful to be around in the same timeline for so they can cry and dance (the best of both worlds.)
Aaron Lee Tasjan — Official, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Spotify
The Rainbow Rodeo fundraiser is still ongoing — please share the link with your favorite queer country fans!