Bryn Battani -- Guest Room

Bryn Battani spent the last year traveling between two continents and recorded her new EP in Austin and Minneapolis. The title, Guest Room, is apt and the EP’s tone matches that sense of rootlessness. That’s not the same thing as being aimless, though. Battani delivers folk, chamber pop, and country with confidence and ease — ultimately creating a sound that is familiar and experimental.

The EP kicks off with “Ya Don’t Think?” It’s a dramatic introduction, a gutting story of a relationship that is clearly crashing against the rocks. The pain of feeling unwanted and the patient expectation of the inevitable conclusion is contrasted with Battani’s brutally sharp humor striking voice.
“Dicey (The Floor Song)” serves as the collection’s cornerstone. Clocking in at almost five minutes, it’s a declaration of commitment towards the often boring, frustrating, and uncomfortable life of a musician. Within the song, Battani fearlessly dabbles in multiple genres and instruments, bringing us along with her as she leaps into the unknown.
Battani’s slower songs, “So-Lo” and “Weighted Blanket” are gutting in a different way. Here, Battani doesn’t hide behind humor, forcing us to bear witness to the low points. The good news is, Battani shows us how to take them in stride.