Category Review

Amiss Tori — Sequins & Steel

Drag queens singing country music is starting to be something of a subgenre in the queer country world. Certainly, there’s a je ne sais quois about someone who is expressing deep vulnerability after spending hours and hours crafting a separate…

Nan Macmillan — From Both Eyes

Nan Macmillan submerges us on her world on her recent album From Both Eyes. While Macmillan paints with a delicate brush that incorporates folk music elements and electronica, those synth elements do more to highlight the acoustics than not. Thanks…

REVIEW: Molly O’Leary — Marigold

Molly O’Leary makes a breathtaking debut on their album Marigold. The Worcester, MA-based artist delivers suckerpunch after suckerpunch on the spare album, produced by fellow songsmith Will Hoge. Marigold takes us on a journey through O’Leary’s healing process and is…

Middle Sattre — Tendencies

Do not listen to Tendencies, the new album by Middle Sattre, while you’re driving. This tenderly crafted and delicate album dives unflinchingly into queer shame. I did not grow up a Mormon like frontman Hunter Prueger (who told us about…

Sophia Eliana — Pears & Honey

Sophia Eliana is nothing if she is not unapologetically herself. Eliana, whom we spoke to about kissing girls in church parking lots, is totally fine with making audiences uncomfortable as long as it means she’s being true to herself. Pears…

REVIEW: Willi Carlisle — Critterland

Album cover for Critterland by Willi Carlisle. A painting of an oppossum with a baby in its pouch, with various other characters worshipping around it.

Rainbow Rodeo can pay contributors like KC thanks to readers like you! Sign up to our Patreon today to build queer country power! The most recent LP by Willi Carlisle, Critterland, is an engrossing musical voyage into a world both…