INTERVIEW: Garrison Starr Is Authentically Herself

Garrison Starr has been through it. Raised in an Evangelical household and then catapulted into fame with her 1997 song “Superhero,” Starr has navigated queerness through many treacherous waters. As she explained in her Mountain Stage performance this week, it all became a bit much and she took a break from playing out. Teaming up with her longtime friend Sean McConnell as My Sister My Brother, Starr is ready to step back out on stage. The pair’s album My Sister My Brother II comes out next week, September 29th.

Who are some of your musical influences?
Indigo Girls, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Tom Petty, Melissa Etheridge, The Beatles, The Bangles
Name a perfect song and tell us why you feel that way.
“Deconstruction” by Indigo Girls. I’m not sure why- for me, it’s just a song I want to keep listening to over and over again and I never get tired of it.
Do you have any songwriting tips you can share?
Be authentically you. Find your own voice. And remember that the song is the goal- it’s not about your ego. Stay open to the muse.
How do you manage having a good time at shows, but also trying to stay mentally and physically fit?
I work hard to keep some of my routines the same on the road. Like meditation and morning reading/pages. If I don’t do my daily gratitude lists and set the tone for the day, I can easily go dark. I’ve learned that I have to stay grounded, no matter where I am.
What’s the best way a fan can support you?
Buy merch directly from the artist and check out platforms like Patreon that offer monthly subscriptions for exclusive content. And don’t forget to share your favorite music with others! It’s so hard sometimes to know where to go to listen and discover. Nothing beats a trusted recommendation from a friend.
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