John Rodney -- Songs From the Closet

John Rodney took the memo “queer as in fuck you” and added country music to it. on Songs From the Closet, Rodney uses four songs to introduce himself to the world — and you won’t forget him easily.

Rodney’s singing style is conversational and friendly — which leads to a suckerpunch when you hear the anger brimming a millimeter beneath the surface of his warm, humor-filled voice. Much like Adeem the Artist and John Prine — clear heroes of Rodney — the North Carolina artist wants to be your friend whether or not you want to be his. Taking cues from Lavender Country, Rodney is as direct (and sometimes vulgar) as you can get, signalling his uncompromising commitment to truth and his own identity in the face of hostile forces.
This is an EP I wish I’d had years ago — and I’m so glad we have it now.
John Rodney — Official, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, TikTok