Rainbow Rodeo Episode 11: Zoe Boekbinder

Howdy, cowpokes! This month I speak with Zoe Boekbinder about their recent songs, “Cut My Heart In Two,” and “I Am Yesterday.” Both of these songs were produced by Gracie and Rachel, whom I interviewed on my previous podcast, Adobe and Teardrops.
Zoe Boekbinder is a veteran, singer songwriter, born in Canada and raised in a string of Buddhist communities on the West coast they have a unique outlook on life. Their latest album, Shadow, was self-produced and released in November of 2018, but as we’ll hear, Zoe has more music on the way.
From May, 2010 to December, 2014, Zoe volunteered as a performer and teacher at New Folsom Prison. This music culminated in the album long time gone by the Prison Music Project.
In our interview, we talk about the backstory behind the song “I Am Yesterday,” confrontation within community, its relation to incarceration, and what really defines queer country music.
Zoe’s pup makes a special appearance as well, but first, I want to thank the following new Patreon subscribers. Welcome, Michelle, Elliot, Lori Beth, and Claude! You too can support Rainbow Rodeo when you subscribe for as little as $4 a year.
You can also advertise on the podcast for a mere $15.