Rainbow Ruckus 1/30: Sarah Shook & The Disarmers, Izzy Ryder, Lawrence Rothman & More!

Every week, Rainbow Rodeo brings you the best new queer country music! Listen to this playlist on Spotify! Thanks to Elliott for making a parallel list on Apple Music! Listen to the parallel list on Tidal. Missed a week? Thomas Inskeep is generously keeping an archive of all music featured on this Spotify playlist.
Also — if you’re looking for a Valentine’s gift — you can now purchase issue 3 of Rainbow Rodeo!

Howdy, cowpokes. Due to work stuff and COVID stuff I didn’t get a chance to update the playlist last week and won’t have a chance to write full descriptions of all ten of these songs! However, here’s a list of the artists you’ll find on this week’s installment of our queer country playlist!
- Sarah Shook & The Disarmers — “Revelations”
- Spencer LaJoye — “How Are You”
- Max Lane — “Oblivion”
- Brittany Ann Tranbaugh — “For Caroline”
- Izzy Ryder — “Lonely Virginia”
- Molly O’Leary — “Ticking Of a Clock”
- Katie Pruitt — “White Lies, White Jesus, And You”
- Ali Angel — “Stone Cold”
- Cloudbelly — “If you Want”