Rainbow Ruckus 1/7: Olivia Ellen Lloyd, Marian Runk, Brokestring, and More!
This week's Rainbow Ruckus contains New Year's resolutions, can-do spirit, and anti-fascist reels.

Every week, Rainbow Rodeo brings you the best new queer country music! Listen to this playlist on Spotify and Tidal! Thanks to Elliott for making a parallel list on Apple Music! Listen to the parallel list on Tidal. Missed a week? TA Inskeep is generously keeping an archive of all music featured on this Spotify playlist.
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- Marian Runk reflects on new year's rituals and the way we grow on her mesmerizing ditty "New Year"
- "Do It Myself" is for those of us who don't have time for anyone else's bullshit – and Olivia Ellen Lloyd delivers it to us with a strident punch
- Raven Nicole takes the borders between country and hip-hop and completely erases with them with the swaggering "Rainbow Cowgirls"
- Daring Coyotes, Brokestring, and Empty Promises team up on a time-honored tradition: telling fascists to fuck off. "The Anti-Fascist Rag" may have some non-traditional lyrics set to a gentle background, buts its message is anything but.
- Honestly, I have no idea how I came across A Stick and a Stone's "Arrow," but the 7-minute composition is haunting and arresting, an exploration of dark folk and the shadows we avoid within ourselves.