Rainbow Ruckus 11/7: Brittany Howard, Brandon Stansell, Mightmare, and More!

Every week, Rainbow Rodeo brings you the best new queer country music! Listen to this playlist on Spotify! Thanks to Elliott for making a parallel list on Apple Music! Listen to the parallel list on Tidal. Missed a week? Thomas Inskeep is generously keeping an archive of all music featured on this Spotify playlist.
Brittany Howard — “What Now”
As I reflect on almost 12 years of music writing, I hearken back to one of my earliest reviews — of the Alabama Shakes. There’s no question Howard has grown in that last decade, a titanic musical force. On “What Now,” the production leans into pop and funk, with Howard’s weeping guitar almost as wordy as she is. This is a song of separation and pain — and the necessity for both.
Katy Kirby — “Table”
Homeschooled and hailing from a rural town in Texas, it took a while for Katy Kirby to realize she might be queer. “Table” is very much about overturning that upbringing. The song has a smooth pop groove while Kirby’s voice has that special vocal hitch that I can only call Gen Z boygenius-core. The lilting lack of fraction in the song belies its difficult subject matter, as if Kirby would like us to brush it all, well, under the table.
Mightmare — “Killer Killer”
River Shook is leaning into the music that excites them on the new Mightmare track “Killer Killer.” The churning beat that’s become characteristic of the quartet’s intense, pulsating rock. Shook’s voice sounds brighter here, sitting higher in the mix (something we discussed in The Boot about their latest Disarmers album.) In spite of its title, “Killer Killer” seems to have a positive energy, as if it’s at last finding a place to channel all that emotion.
Adeem the Artist — “Fast Cars”
I’m sure Adeem writes bad songs, but I’m willing to bet their worst songs are better than most. As we rumble towards their inevitable album release, the songs that are coming out have been light, capturing the joy of human existence amidst all odds — particular from the redneck (in their words) background Adeem prizes so highly.
Brandon Stansell — “That’s How I Feel About You”
It’s been way too long since we’ve heard from Brandon Stansell, who was the first to have an LGBTQ+-themed video on CMT. For reasons we probably do not have to speculate about, Stansell has left Nashville behind for LA, but his angelic voice and irrepressible twang shine through on the pop-inflected “That’s How I Feel About You.” This is a ’90s country song if I’ve ever heard one, complete with wholesome yearning.