Rainbow Ruckus 2/26: Wryn, Erin Rae, Next of Kin, and More!

This week's queer country playlist showcases righteous fury, fucking up your ex's shit, and peaceful lullabies.

Rainbow Ruckus 2/26: Wryn, Erin Rae, Next of Kin, and More!
Wryn by Ian King

Every week, Rainbow Rodeo brings you the best new queer country music! Listen to this playlist on Spotify and Tidal! Thanks to Elliott for making a parallel list on Apple Music! Listen to the parallel list on Tidal. Missed a week? TA Inskeep is generously keeping an archive of all music featured on this Spotify playlist.

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  • Wryn readies us for their debut album Shapes (out on 3/28) with "Snake." While the song is an intimate, undulating folk song, its words are imbued with a righteous anger. Wryn uses the song to process interpersonal and systemic violence – it's an artful and quietly powerful call to action in the vein of Hurray For the Riff Raff.
  • Next of Kin is the Rainbow Rodeo Discord's new favorite band. The Austin trio channel the Chicks with "Mean Streak." The song is gleeful and earnest, a depiction of what we all wish we could do to exes who do us wrong...and the inevitable enabling we tend to fall into.
  • "Push" is an enchanting indie rocker from Rockstar & Elise. The hypnotic groove belies the painful truth of two people drifting apart.
  • Nia Wyn is queer as hell and wants you to know it – with a cool retro soul groove. (Thanks, Kat, for tipping us off!) "Your Team" is about exactly what you think it is, and it says so with class.
  • Erin Rae and Wilder Atkins send us off to a peaceful slumber with their lullabye-like duet "Said the Swallow to the Jay."