Rainbow Ruckus 3/25: Fog Holler, Fancy Hagood, Julien Baker & TORRES
This week's queer country playlist subverts trad country conventions with Julien Baker, Torres, Fancy Hagood, Fog Holler, and more!

Every week, Rainbow Rodeo brings you the best new queer country music! Listen to this playlist on Spotify and Tidal! Thanks to Elliott for making a parallel list on Apple Music! Listen to the parallel list on Tidal. Missed a week? TA Inskeep is generously keeping an archive of all music featured on this Spotify playlist.
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- Ashleigh Flynn & The Riveters greet the day with "Good Morning, Sunshine" a gentle groover of a song that celebrates the blessings of the morning. The song comes off the band's next album, out next week.
- Fancy Hagood gives Lucy Silvas' tune "My Old Habits" a '90s country makeover. Hagood's sweet voice and the song's rambling groove gives Dacus' introspection a refreshing lightness. The song will be featured on the deluxe reissue of Hagood's magnificent American Spirit, out next week.
- Julien Baker and TORRES, each known for their weighty tunes, team up for "Tuesday." The song takes on a surprisingly traditional country cast with pedal steel and a four-on-the-floor beat. However, the production has a cavernous quality that grounds the song firmly in 2025, even as it delivers a timeless tale of love lost.
- I got tipped off to Fog Holler by VestigialLung on Mastodon, who thought they found them through Rainbow Rodeo – so perhaps Fog Holler is simply a timeless entity that has been here all along. Either way, the proudly queer string band quartet gives us a spritely ditty with the elegant "Bodga's Diner"
- Rodeo Boys bring us a punk rock anthem of yearning on "All American Man" – the perfect blend of '90s angst and '00s emo with a dash of melodic punk...not to mention the heart-on-sleeve commitment required of all good country songs.