She Returns From War -- Ruthless

A child of Charleston, SC, She Returns From War embraces that community eclecticism in her music. Her latest album, Ruthless, cheekily nods to country music, indie pop while posting two giant middle fingers to Nashville. Ruthless is reflective, but has the kind of wry sense of humor that defines queer resistance to the status quo.

“Somebody’s Making It” takes that music industry to task — a rueful clapback at the narrow-minded gatekeepers that prevent trans and queer artists from accessing that mainstream. (We discussed this last year in our interview on Rainbow Rodeo’s sister site, Adobe & Teardrops.) But that won’t hold the artist back: the song is also a firm flag in the ground, rebuking a system that would force her to be anything but herself.
The track is followed by “Dramatic Entrance,” a meditation on staying true to yourself as those around you make an early exit. It’s hard not to see the juxtaposition of these two songs, with country music as the representation of a repressive and violent culture that doesn’t matter who it murders in order to retain the status quo — you know, just some happy thoughts ahead of Thanksgiving.
The poppier tracks on the album, like the cosmic “AMEROSA” and driving “Good Deal” demonstrate She Returns From War’s versatility, operating in the upper end of her vocal range to create a truly unique sound. When these elements combine on songs like “Palisades,” there is a warmth to balance the digital intensity.
While Ruthless is imbued with the icy chill of a November breeze, She Returns From War always brings us back to warmth and humanity: after all, that’s what we need to stand against the forces that stand against us.