She Returns From war

INTERVIEW: Paisley Fields Presents Their Cowboy Christmas
Paisley Fields hosts their first annual Cowboy Christmas with Dale Hollow and She Returns From War on Friday, December 13 at Littlefield in Brooklyn.

Lavender Prairie Creates Queer Country Paradise in Chicago
Chicago is the birthplace of country music as we know it today, so it’s only fitting that it will host the first (to my knowledge) three-day festival of queer country music on September 13 – 15. Organizers Alexis Stein, of Chicago’s The Queer Social Club and Swappin’ Boots queer

Fancy Hagood -- Smothered, Covered, & Fried
Fancy Hagood has got one of the best voices in country music right now, so it’s a no-brainer for him to release a covers EP. What makes Smothered, Covered, & Fried delightful — in addition to Hagood’s own arena-ready performances — is that he brought along some of the best

She Returns From War -- Ruthless
A child of Charleston, SC, She Returns From War embraces that community eclecticism in her music. Her latest album, Ruthless, cheekily nods to country music, indie pop while posting two giant middle fingers to Nashville. Ruthless is reflective, but has the kind of wry sense of humor that defines queer