REVIEW: Otto/Autumn Sky Hollow -- While We're Here

Continuing on the trend of impactful EPs, California folk veteran Otto/Autumn Sky Hall gives us a taste of the Americana album she’s been crowdfunding for on While We’re Here. The two-song EP is a love letter to California as she decamps to the East Coast.

“And I Knew” is richly layered, a nod to Hall’s interest in indie pop hooks. There’s plenty of twang to love here, but the song’s bones are driving and exciting.
By contrast, “Do You Believe?” is more of a classic folk song, showcasing Hall’s convictions that a better, just world is possible — and it’s right around the corner. With Hall’s rich voice and warm approach, it’s easy to believe.
Otto/Autumn Sky Hall — Official, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok