WATCH: Chris Housman Has “High Hopes”

Chirs Housman makes pop country for the rest of us. As we discussed on the Rainbow Rodeo podcast, Housman’s goal is to make songs that you can dance to while also thinking about the lyrics. “High Hopes,” though, is about taking a break. In the new video for the song, Housman takes a break from the rigors of daily life and invites us to join him.

Photo by Ford Fairchild

“My co-writer/producer Jerry Fuentes and I had the music video idea after a successful recording session for the song and finding some “High Hopes” of our own,” Housman explains. “We were talking about how it felt like it would be fitting for me to be sitting on a horse that was just slowly walking. Jerry then threw out that I could be on a carousel and after laughing about it for a minute, we said ‘”‘okay but really, we should do that’ – and so that we did! After the video producer Rebecca Adler tracked down a 100-year old carousel in Chattanooga, we along with director Ford Fairchild took the band that was actually playing on the record down and had an absolute blast dancing around some fake frolicking animals on a casual weekday morning.”

But it’s more than a sight gag.

“To me, the carousel represents the mental escape we all occasionally need in some form or another from the chaotic world we live in – and I hope the song and video provide that escape for other folks as well.”

Chris Housman — Official, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Spotify